AA Black Obsidian Black obsidian is formed when a volcano erupts and lava cools. Black obsidian stone is known as volcanic glass, xaga, and royal agate. Black Obsidian known as a...
Black obsidian is formed when a volcano erupts and lava cools. Black obsidian stone is known as volcanic glass, xaga, and royal agate.
Black Obsidian known as a cleanser by being able to clear up psychic smog and see things more clearly. Can also help cut ties with work environment, relationship, or anything toxic.......
Emotional healing, Aura cleansing , and Communication
Strong connection to earth and nature making it an ideal stone for tapping into other spiritual realms and unlocking.
Elements: Earth, Fire, and Water
Black obsidian stone is most commonly found in Japan, Australia, Kenya, Mexico, El Salvador, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Scotland, Turkey, New Zealand, USA, Guatemala, Greece, and Iceland.