Coventry Creations for 20 years has been hand pouring the Blessed Herbal Candles when the moon is right, in a sacred space with the herbs, oils, colors, and blessing.
Blessing Candle Kits go way beyond just a few pretty colors and scents; they are our Power Votives in combinations that can change your world!
Motor City Hoo Doo Oil is a very practical and root-based magic that digs deep into our own core self. The results are fast, profound, and healing.
Nothin' can mess with my Motor City Hoo Doo Candles This self-selling line has great Kitsch labels that appeal to the retro lover in us all! We are not kidding when we talk about the power of our Hoo Doo.
I like mojo and my Wicked Witch Mojo Oil, and it is the easiest magic on the face of the Earth. You set the tone, name your intent, light the candle, and the magic happens. It's as easy as that.
Get your "Witch" on with the Witch's Brew Candles and honor your inner witch! Thank goodness times are changing and our sisters can declare their witchiness without deadly persecution.
Get your "Witch" on with the Witch's Brew Oils and honor your inner witch! Thank goodness times are changing and our sisters can declare their witchiness without deadly persecution.