Blessing Make up/Break up Kit

Blessing Make up/Break up Kit A triad of Heart, Emotional Balance, and Needed Change Power Votives. Do you stay or do you go? Is there hope for your relationship or is it...

$21.00 USD

Blessing Make up/Break up Kit

A triad of Heart, Emotional Balance, and Needed Change Power Votives. Do you stay or do you go? Is there hope for your relationship or is it time to cut your losses? Get clarity by using this combination of votives to help make the change your relationship needs.

Blessing: Do they love me or love me not? Today I change from confusion to certainty. I listen to my heart, my mind, and my spirit, moving forward with clarity.

Votives burn for 10 hours.

Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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