Candle The Cross of Caravaca

The Cross of Caravaca The Cross of Caravaca, commonly called, Caracava de la Cruz, is a symbol rich in historical significance, devotional potency, and practical ritual power. The image is a...

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The Cross of Caravaca

The Cross of Caravaca, commonly called, Caracava de la Cruz, is a symbol rich in historical significance, devotional potency, and practical ritual power. The image is a protective sigil, the legendary cross is beloved by spiritually-minded individuals of many walks, cultures, and belief systems.

It is a powerful and important symbol to have in your spell casting and ritual performing toolbox, especially as an emblem to bring good fortune, gain wealth and riches, and ward off evil.

Spiritually minded people are likely familiar with the shape and appearance of this legendary symbol. The Caracava de la Cruz is a double crucifix, meaning there are two bars extending through the vertical part of the cross instead of just one, as with more common Christian crosses. Picture one straight, upright line (|) with an "equal" sign (=) passing through it and you should have an idea of its basic form.

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